September 22, 2010

Bruit de Fond

This Friday, September 24th, JSBJ will release Bruit de Fond, a book addressing the intersection of noise and photography, featuring an original essay by Joël Vacheron

I produced a series for the book entitled 4"x 5" Polaroids of John Cage's 35mm Film One11 Compressed and Streamed Over the Internet. The idea was to examine the film, itself an abstracted product of randomness, as it went through several processes of transfer, beginning as a film negative and ending on a printed page (or computer screen), along the way being converted to video tape,  to a computer file, to a compressed streaming format, to an analog Polaroid, to a digital image. Each step leaves traces in the form of dust, scratches, and digital compression artifacts, which are in turn distorted by the next iteration of transfer, to recast Cage's closed abstract work of art into a series of fractured appropriations.



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